Lavender oil is an excellent air freshener and deodorizer that tackles unpleasant odors and elevates the ambiance.
Lavender oil has cleansing and soothing properties that reduce skin concerns and encourage a dewy radiance and soft feel.
Create a calming and grounding ambiance at end of the day to unwind and relax.
A harmonious scent that inspires feelings of joy and positivity when you feel overwhelmed.
Inhale the scent of lavender oil to invoke confidence and composure.
Nexon Botanics Organic Lavender Oil contains the natural components of the Lavandula Angustifolia plant. It does not have any artificial colors, additives, or fragrances whatsoever.
Put a few drops of lavender oil on pillowcases or bedding to create a relaxing atmosphere.
A glass dropper has been provided with our Organic Lavender Oil for your convenience and comfort.